Dr. Tracie M. Cusimano Huntington Beach Chiropractor Call Today: 714-840-2273
Osteoarthritis(AKA degenerative joint disease) can occur in any joint in the body. When present in the spine, it is called spondylosis. Osteoarthritis in the extremity joints, such as the hip and knee can be extremely painful and chronic. Chiropractic treatment can help alleviate some of the symptoms and has been beneficial to those patients that have been unable to find relief elsewhere.
Signs of osteoarthritis include joint pain, stiffness and decreased range of motion. Sometimes the pain can radiate and refer to other parts of the body. For example, symptoms of hip osteoarthritis include pain and stiffness in the hip and sometimes pain in the groin, thigh and knee. Commonly, pain increases in cold weather or with physical activity such as walking or jogging.
Chiropractic adjustments of the spinal column can restore normal alignment and movement, which has a positive effect on the hip, knee and ankle joints. The extremity joints can also be adjusted to restore proper function. While there is no cure for osteoarthritis, chiropractic care plays an important role in managing symptoms and improving function.
About Chiropractic
Patient Wellness
Osteoarthritis can be managed effectively with the help of chiropractic care. Treatments may include gentle manipulation of the spine and extremity joints, massage therapy, ultrasound, ice and therapeutic ultrasound.
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Meet Dr. Cusimano
Dr. Cusimano is a native of Huntington Beach, California and graduate from Southern California University of Health Sciences. She received the Dean's List honor as well as the Delta Sigma Scholastic Society award. She worked at Cal State...read more about Dr. Cusimano
Business Information
Tracie M. Cusimano, D.C.
7561 Center Ave., Unit 26